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Export functions

Applying the #[marine] macro to a function results in its export, which means that it can be called from other modules or AIR scripts.


For the function to be compatible with this macro, its arguments must be of the mtype, which is defined as follows:

mtype = bool, u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64, String\ mtype = mtype | Vec<mtype>\ mtype = mtype | Record<mtype>

Function Export Requirements

In other words, the arguments must be one of the types listed below:

  • one of the following Rust basic types: bool, u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64, String
  • a vector of elements of the above types
  • a vector composed of vectors of the above type, where recursion is acceptable, e.g. the type Vec<Vec<Vec<u8>>> is permissible
  • a record, where all fields are of the basic Rust types
  • a record, where all fields are of any above types or other records

The return type of a function must follow the same rules, but currently, only one return type is possible.


See the example below of an exposed function with a complex type signature and return value:

// export TestRecord as a public data structure bound by
// the IT type constraints
pub struct TestRecord {
pub field_0: i32,
pub field_1: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
// export foo as a public function bound by the
// the IT type constraints
pub fn foo(arg_1: Vec<Vec<Vec<Vec<TestRecord>>>>, arg_2: String) -> Vec<Vec<Vec<Vec<TestRecord>>>> {
// export TestRecord as a public data structure bound by
// the IT type constraints
pub struct TestRecord {
pub field_0: i32,
pub field_1: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
// export foo as a public function bound by the
// the IT type constraints
pub fn foo(arg_1: Vec<Vec<Vec<Vec<TestRecord>>>>, arg_2: String) -> Vec<Vec<Vec<Vec<TestRecord>>>> {